Zeitschrift für klinische Atemwegsmedizin


A Brief Study of the Epidemiology and Its Health Characteristics.

Quinn Morton

Epidemiology is the study and analysis of health and disease characteristics in specified populations, including their distribution (who, when, and where), patterns, and factors. It is a cornerstone of public health, influencing policy and evidencebased behavior by identifying disease risk factors and preventative healthcare priorities. Epidemiology has facilitated the development of technique for clinical research, public health research, and, to a lesser extent, basic biological science research. Illness causation, transmission, outbreak investigation, disease surveillance, environmental epidemiology, forensic epidemiology, occupational epidemiology, screening, biomonitoring, and comparisons of treatment effects, such as in clinical trials, are all major fields of epidemiological study. Other scientific disciplines are used by epidemiologists, such as biology to better understand disease processes, statistics to make effective use of data and develop suitable results, social sciences