Zeitschrift für öffentliche Gesundheit und Ernährung


A Mini Review on Health Nutrition and its Analysis

Sujith Kumar

Public health nutrition is that the promotion of nutrition-related health of populations. This paper aims to point out the essential role of food composition databases for public health nutrition mistreatment examples from The Netherlands, and to purpose to gaps and wishes for the long run. Food composition databases play a job within the Assessment, Analyses and Action phases of public health nutrition. A very important activity within the Assessment part is that the identification of nutrients that intake is just too low or too high. Moreover, food composition databases area unit required analyzing the dietary problems; as an example, to spot the most food sources of nutrients that intake is just too high. Within the Action part, food composition knowledge area unit among others accustomed inform customers concerning the organic process content of foods. Gaps and wishes for food composition databases area unit associated with the quickly ever-changing food markets and to new organic process and health interests. ICT developments and also the accessibility of branded food databases offer new opportunities and challenges. In addition, there's a necessity for continuing improvement of international harmonization of food composition databases to alter international analysis and comparisons. Finally, national food composition databases area unit essential for public health nutrition. A continuing effort is required to stay them up-to-date and of fine quality.