Zeitschrift für Krebsimmunologie und -therapie


Announcement of 6th International Summit on Cancer Research and Diagnosis

Yong Xu

The organizing committee of Cancer 2021 invites all the participants from all over the world to attend the“6th International Summit on Cancer Research andDiagnosis” will be going to held on February 15-16,2021 at London, UK. The primary topic of the conference is “Marching together towards a Cancer freeSociety”.Cancer 2021 is a global platform for the educationaland scientific events for healthcare professionalswho provide treatment and care in the areas of theOncology and academic researchers who conductresearch work and clinical trials for the human welfare.The Cancer Research and DiagnosisinvitesPathologists,Oncologists,Radiologists,Academicians,ClinicalResearchers, Students, Young researchers,Medical Devices Companies and business delegatesacross the world to shareideas, views and texchangeknowledge and establish research collaborations& networking.Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide.Its crucial to remember that cancer is not onedisease, its more than 200 cancer diseases involved.All different, unique diseases, which require differentapproaches for treatment. Treatments that work forsome cancers dont work for others and sometimesthose treatments simply stop working. Only worldwideresearch will enhance our understanding ofcancer and help us find and develop better, moreeffective treatments. And only a global search foranswers will help us get to grips with this disease. .The conference will provide with an exceptional opportunityfor the delegates from Universities and Institutes to interact with the world class Scientists andIndustry Professionals working in the field of cancer(or) oncology.The global breast cancer drugsmarket size was valuedat USD 16.98 billion in 2018 and is expected toregister at a CAGR of 10.7% over the forecast period.Risingprevalence of the disease along with emergingnovel therapies are some of the major factors likelyto drive the market. Early detection of breast canceris a keyto effective management of the disease.Breast cancer in Middle East:The impression among Arab Physicians handlingbreast cancer is that presents at associate earlierage and at an additional advanced stage as comparedto western countries. However, the applied math informationto support this impression is remarkablyscarce. Breast cancer incidence varied wide amongthe four collaborating countries, with the verybest rates in human Israeli ladies (100.4/100,000)and therefore the lowest rates in Turkish ladies(50.7/100,000). In place carcinoma were significantlyhigher within the SEER population than within theMECC written account population.Breast cancer biology in USA & Canada:In the year twenty17 nearly thirteen of all cancersdiagnosed in adults ages 20 and older are rare cancers,during this report as a cancer with fewer thanvi cases per 100,000 individuals each year. This year’sspecial section reviews statistics for twenty eight rarecancers, together with incidence and mortality ratesand trends, stage at identification, and survival, andadditionally provides a summary of risk factors andsymptoms for choose cancers. it’s supposed to tellanyone concerning| inquisitive about| fascinatedby} learning additional about rare cancers in adults,together with policy manufacturers,researchers,clinicians, cancer management advocates, patients,and caregivers.?