Biomedizinische Forschung


Clinical observation of long-term deep-cryopreserved cornea in penetrating keratoplasty

Hui Shen, Xiaowen Sun, Shuyan Zhang

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of using LC-DCP versus fresh corneas on graft transparency after penetrating keratoplasty. The observation group (25 eyes of 25 patients) was performed penetrating keratoplasty with LT-DCP cornea, while the control group (23 eyes of 23 patients) was performed penetrating keratoplasty with fresh cornea form human corpses. The follow-up was 3 to 32 months. 18 corneal grafts in the observation group were transparent (accounting for 72.0%), 5 cases were semi-transparent, 1 case was un-transparent, and 1 case was performed eyeball removal. The control group had 17 cases of transparent corneal grafts (73.5%), 5 cases were semi-transparent and 1 case was un-transparent. The results of transparent grafts between the 2 groups had no statistical significance (x2=0.003, p>0.05). LT-DCP cornea had important clinical and promotional values towards penetrating keratoplasty.

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