Biomedizinische Forschung


Drug utilization evaluation of cephaosporins in a tertiary care hospital: inpatient departments

Mohd. Mahmood, Ramya Mounika A, Pranali S. Pandit, Niveditha B, Rahul Kumar P

Background: As bacterial resistance has grown due to inappropriate use of antibiotics we sought to evaluate the current utilization of cephalosporins in inpatient departments, in terms of rational usage towards indication, dosage, dosing regimen, and dosage adjustments in comorbid conditions (renal and hepatic impairments). Drug utilization evaluation is an ongoing, authorized, quality improvement process which helps in evaluation and improvement of drug usage, by analyzing the medication prescribing, administration, or dispensing process. By developing criteria and standards which help in appropriate drug use and educating health care professionals in accordance with rational use of drugs to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

Methods: The study design was, prospective and concurrent Drug Utilization Evaluation. This study was carried out for a period of 6 months between October 2016 to March 2017. This study is divided into phase I (before intervention) and phase II (after intervention).This study includes all the patients who have been prescribed with any generation of cephalosporins. The criteria and guidelines were taken from the standard references and used to monitor the drug therapy on patients based on indication, dose, dosage form, frequency, duration, laboratory tests. All the standard guidelines for prescribed cephalosporins have been circulated to the required physicians and other related health care professionals.

Results: Inappropriateness of drug therapy was found in phase I (before intervention) and appropriateness in terms of rational use for indication, dose, dosing interval, renal dosage adjustment was improved in phase II this may be due to the implementation of the DUE guidelines through interventions obtained during phase.

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