Zeitschrift für klinische Atemwegsmedizin


Effects of an Exercise Intervention on Body Composition in Older Adult Males with Parkinsons disease

Corey A Peacock

 Approximately 500,000 Americans are affected by Parkinson’s disease with nearly a 10% increase in new documented cases each year. In anticipation of this trend, there is an increased interest in the effects of physiotherapy to improve neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Research has shown that those affected by the progression of PD are generally weaker, and tend to lose muscle mass more rapidly than healthy

Populations. There is minimal data focusing on multifaceted exercise programs and body composition within the population. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to investigate the effects of a previously introduced active-assisted cycling and resistance training intervention and its effects on body composition and strength in older adult males with PD.