Zeitschrift für Systembiologie und Proteomforschung


Lc-ms targeted polar metabolome analysis methods

Mahammad Ali

A new and quickly expanding field called "metabolomics" is dedicated to the thorough examination of biological things' metabolites. Metabolites have a variety of physical and chemical characteristics that can be examined using analytical chemistry techniques that are specific to particular chemical component groups. Identification and measurement of tiny molecules involved in metabolic processes are the goals of metabolomics. Due to its high throughput, gentle ionisation, and adequate metabolite coverage, LC-MS has gained favour as a platform for metabolomic investigations. Metabolomics is being utilised more frequently as a method to distinguish between how an organism reacts to different stimuli or medications as a result of considerable advancements in LC-MS technology. The workflow of a typical LCMS- based metabolomic investigation is presented in this review with the purpose of identifying and quantifying metabolites that are indicative of biological or environmental disturbances. For toxicological applications in the clinical laboratory, LC-MS is a potent tool. An LC-MS is mostly used in toxicology laboratories for broad spectrum drug screening and drug confirmation testing after an immunoassay screen. Toxicology testing has used a variety of LC-MS technologies, including LC-MS, LC-MS/MS, LC-TOF, LC-QTOF, and LC-Orbitrap. Additionally, a variety of other data acquisition strategies have been reported, including targeted and untargeted data acquisition techniques, as well as capture of product ion spectra with and without data dependence (DDA or DIA). The two LC-MS applications in this chapter opioid confirmation testing and broad spectrum drug screening as well as one laboratory's technique development, validation, and application experience are highlighted. Toxicology laboratories thinking about using LCMS might use the literature's descriptions of several methods for each of these applications, which are referenced in this chapter.