Biomedizinische Forschung


Vestibular function and curative effect of BPPV patients in different duration by application of electronystagmography and posturography.

Jianguo Liu, Xubo Chen, Ziwei Hu, Meiqun Wang, Wen Xie, Suying Guo, Yuehui Liu

Objects: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common peripheral vestibular disease clinically. Electronystagmography (ENG) and posturography are commonly used methods for diagnosis of BPPV and examination of the vestibular function. Sparse study reported the characteristics of nystagmus and vestibular function and the curative effect in different duration of BPPV patients.

Methods: This is a retrospective study of 40 adults with vestibular symptoms. Before ENG test and posturography test, the subjects underwent physical examination and excluded central disorders. The canalith repositioning maneuver was used for the therapy of BPPV and the curative effect was studied between different duration groups.

Results: Of patients who suffered BPPV, higher rates of abnormal ENG were observed in the longer duration of BPPV. Among patients of BPPV, the patients’ vestibular function in more than 12 months duration was inferior to the patients of a shorter duration. Moreover, the curative effect by repositioning maneuver in the shorter duration was superior to the longer duration.

Conclusions: The present study suggested that the vestibular function in patients that suffered BPPV deteriorates as the course of BPPV develops. The curative effect by repositioning maneuver in the patients of shorter duration is more satisfied than the longer duration.

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