Biomedizinische Forschung


What is the survival rate of dental implants in Turkey? A systematic review

Fatih Cabbar, Muammer Cagri Burdurlu, Nevzat Sezer Isiksacan, Berkem Atalay, Gonca Duygu Capar

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the failures of dental implants in Turkey and to investigate the complications, which may lead to implant loss.

Study Design: The Systematic review was performed in accordance with PRISMA statement and Cochrane guidelines. PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, TUBITAK ULAKBIM databases were searched for both in English and Turkish up to 2015. Data on implant failure, demographic variables and outcomes were included. Nonclinical and animal reports were excluded. Search was conducted by two authors and conflicts were resolved by a third reader.

Results: Seventeen reports were satisfied the inclusion criteria. In total, 1764 (51.19% female and 48.81% male) participants were included. A total of 4487 implants were used. Total implant success was 97.48% (61 early and 52 late failures) in a follow-up period for 42.71 ± 33.78 months. The failure reasons were infection (38.9%), lack of osseointegration (44.4%), implant fractures (5.8%), periimplantitis (1.76%), sensory disturbances (2.65%).

Conclusion: Immediate and late implantation has similar failure rates and failure rates may increase with time. Implants have similar survival rates with the literature in Turkey region as well. It was observed that few reports with limited data were reported considering the high number of implants placed in the Turkey.

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