Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism


Role of Nutrients in Stress Management

Muhammad Zaki Khan

 Stress is a very complex phenomenon and it is caused by when a person face work pressure, study burden and any negative stimulus that ultimately alter the normal physiological functioning of the body. Every person can bear a specific amount of stress and that particular amount is referred as the stress tolerance capacity. Stimulus that is responsible for stress in is known as stressor and response of that stressor is termed as stress response that cause alteration of normal physiological function of body, hormonal secretion, changes in behavior and also changes in autonomic functions. There are many ways of managing the stress like use of medicines (anti-depressant) and exercise also used for relaxation but both these are difficult to adopt because medication have many health effects on human body while exercise require time so there is a best of managing stress through nutrients, because it is easy to adopt and having no side effects. In addition with stress reducing benefits there are several other benefits of healthy and well-nourished diet like it improves blood circulation, keeps blood pressure normal, improve brain functioning, strengthen immune system and lowers the toxins producing inside the body. There are many nutrients that lower the stress hormones from body or increase the amount of happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Those nutrients are complex in nature like proteins (tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine, theanine), carbohydrates, Vitamins (B and C), minerals (Magnesium and Selenium). These nutrients in diet are not only good for physical health additionally they are beneficial for brain health and also management of stress.