Zeitschrift für Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Ernährung


Economical food preservation and packaging of neem oil.

Niron Hashai*

Neem oil is a natural, bioactive plant extract obtained primarily from neem seeds. It has excellent antimicrobial, antioxidant, pesticidal and insecticidal properties rendering it an attractive alternative to synthetic chemicals in application of food preservation, packaging and storage. Neem oil and its parts (e.g., azadirachtin) have been utilized away of food grains for a long time. Photosensitivity, quick debasement, and impact(s) on tangible characteristics of food present significant difficulties against applications in food conservation and bundling. Nanoemulsion of neem oil are acquiring broad examination consideration in different fields including food and horticulture areas, as they are more steady, proficient, and have further developed functionalities. Neem oil or its nanoemulsion has additionally been utilized in chitosan, starch, or gelatin based dynamic bundling of food sources including products of the soil. Various investigations have revealed that cautious utilization of neem oil and its parts in food conservation, bundling, and coatings are for human wellbeing and furthermore climate agreeable. The on-going audit momentarily knowledge the science, practical properties of neem oil, high level conveyance framework, nanoemulsion readiness methods, different uses of neem oil and nanoemulsion for food protection and bundling and furthermore risk evaluation on human wellbeing and conditions alongside current and future possibilities.